2030 strategy

Our sustainability strategy towards 2030

In 2022 we decided to clearly and transparently outline our 2030 sustainability strategy, in order to be able to guarantee to all our stakeholders the consistency of our actions with our objectives.
We look to 2030 with the desire to get there together, with our collaborators, partners, suppliers and customers, aware that Manifattura Big can be what together, all of us, want it to be.
The 5 strategic priorities
01. Traceable and responsible supply chain
02. Choice of sustainable materials
03. Towards circularity to reduce environmental impact
04. People at the center of change
05. Community engagement for shared growth
The 5 priorities we have outlined are closely linked to the SDGs, the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations to promote sustainable development worldwide. For each priority, an objective for 2030 and the actions aimed at achieving it are identified.

An informed approach towards the common goal of sustainable development.
01. Traceable and responsible supply chain
2030 Objective
Guarantee digitally traceable production at every step and performed by qualified partners.
Actions linked to its achievement
- Investing in IT tools aimed at digitising and optimising each work step up to the finished product.
- Adopt qualification and supply chain data collection tools, aimed at developing an ESG rating of suppliers.
- Require the main external wet processes to obtain and maintain ZDHC certification with Progressive or Aspirational level.
- Collaborate with various stakeholders in order to guarantee the continuous improvement of the EHS performance of the district supply chain, also through third-party audits as a guarantee.
- Implement a product information system for the communication of technical and sustainability characteristics.

02. Choice of sustainable materials
2030 Objective
Offer exclusively products made according to Eco-Design principles, with a lower environmental and social impact.
Actions linked to its achievement
- Increase the volume of sustainable and/or certified raw materials and packaging.
- Invest in research and development in order to monitor and test market innovations in the field of materials and treatments for sustainable design.
- Increase the number of sustainable and/or certified finished products offered in the collection.

03. Towards circularity to reduce environmental impact
2030 Objective
Be strategic partners for our customers seeking to adopt circular business models.
Actions linked to its achievement
- Invest in research and development to optimise company waste management and the implementation of zero waste work models.
- Increase research and development activity and collaboration with customers aimed at developing services for the recycling of products and unusable textile waste.
- Invest in product LCA in order to promptly measure the difference in impact in case of use of recycled material over the entire life cycle of the product.
- Adopt practices to compensate for direct and indirect emissions into the atmosphere, where they cannot be further optimised.

04. People at the centre of change
2030 Objective
Ensure high standards of well-being and attractiveness for young talents.
Actions linked to its achievement
- Protect health and safety in the workplace and promote welfare and skills growth policies.
- Improve internal communication.
- Enhance diversity and promote inclusion.

05. Community engagement for shared growth
2030 Objective
Strengthen partnerships with local institutions aimed at the growth of the district and at the well-being of the local community.
Actions linked to its achievement
- Collaborate with schools and universities for the growth of new generations.
- Increase collaborations with local organisations dedicated to the growth and training of vulnerable and disadvantaged people.
- Increase donations to organisations dedicated to supporting the territory and local communities.