
We have chosen to be truly sustainable

Being a sustainable company means embarking on a path made of choices aimed at enhancing people and of protecting the environment.
This approach involves our entire production chain, from the search for raw materials to the creation of the finished product.
To achieve an actual reduction in impact we have developed our own 2030 Strategy, a path structured around 5 priority areas regarding circularity, traceability, materials, people and communities.
A controlled and responsible supply chain
Our commitment to sustainability translates into an approach that synergistically involves the entire production chain, from the search for raw materials to the creation of the finished product ready to enter the store.
01. Raw material
We purchase at source for complete traceability and control of the transformation processes and we use natural fibres that are certified and with lower impact.
02. Production model
We adopt a horizontal production model, using specialised and qualified partners that we personally supervise, almost exclusively located in our district.
03. Product
We create tailor-made products together with our customers, sustainable and certified, where the quality of the raw materials follows a standard of excellence.

People and environment at the centre of everything.
A governance structure that generates value
We are aware that it is not enough to simply decide to embark on a path towards sustainability, but rather an integrated and complete strategy is necessary which is based on a solid and efficient governance structure.
For this reason, since 2019 we have developed and adopted our own Code of Ethics, an integral part of our management and control model.
Its purpose is to improve business management and professional activity beyond mere legislative compliance.
We seek and promote a superior behavioural standard, which positively influences the working environment with a focus on honesty and transparency.
We have also adopted a corporate governance system where the management body is the Board of Directors (BoD) whose responsibilities also include approving the sustainability strategy and reviewing the information reported annually in the Impact Report.
Every choice we make has a social or environmental impact
Study, research, creation and production represent just some of the activities we perform within our company.
Our choices have a social or environmental impact, on our people, as well as on our supply chain and community.
The evaluation of each individual impact helps us to focus on our objectives from a sustainable perspective, and therefore generate change, both for Manifattura Big and for the Prato textile district. To keep this path alive, we constantly measure our performance and the results achieved, reporting annually in our Impact Report.
In order to consistently direct the choices of our employees and collaborators, we have also adopted a Social Responsibility Policy and an Environmental Policy: with these documents we commit to compliance with the applicable regulations in the field of people management and environment, health and safety, we exclude any discriminatory practice and we are committed to training our people on these issues, so that they can first stimulate us to improve.

Choosing what to be. Choosing how to behave
Innovative fibre
We develop sustainable fibres that reduce the impact of our fabrics.

One of our natural coloured fibres, created in collaboration with the mYak Company. Sustainable because it excludes the most polluting dyeing processes.
For our organic wool scarves we used entirely natural dyes. Created in collaboration with Tintoria di Quaregna, they were finished according to the GOTS protocol.
Our particular pure wool fibres in darker shades. In our latest collections they are always natural, without the need for dyeing.
Close the loop . Support towards circularity
Among our projects in development we boast Close the loop, the partnership to close the cycle.
This is a structured service to accompany and support our customers towards circularity.
In practice, Close the loop allows Brands to send us products that remain unsold or that are no longer sellable, in order to:
01.Recycle them into new fibre to be used for the garments of the next collection.
02.Upcycle and transform them for a creative reworking of existing garments.